OK if you are just learning how to do realistic wood burning, then this should help you out. When I first started I was using Carbon paper and i found that i would have to would burn as dark as the pattern to make the lines go away because carbon paper doesn't erase very well at all. and we all know that in realistic pictures wither it be a animal, house, tree or face it doesn't matter there are no hard lines.
So first things first what tips to us I personally only use three tips. FT-d small shading tip, FT large round shading tip and FT-C for lettering or signing the back of my art work. Now these names for the tips are only through Colwood other companies might have different names.
so using these tips you can achieve realist woodburnings.
Further more only use graphite paper to transfer patterns to wood or free hand them on. In this way when your done wood burning all you have to do is erase your pencil lines and your have a more realistic wood burning.
If you have any request feel free to ask.
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